What is b2b or Business Matchmaking?
It is efficient, structured, and optimizes the time of an event.
Business matchmaking is a method to identify and connect (match) companies and people with common business interests, complementary services, expertise, technologies or business strengths. The goal is to create cooperative connections and realize business opportunities that mutually benefit both parties.
It is the most efficient way to find, meet, and talk to new collaboration partners in short, one-to-one talks either onsite or online.
Participating people (businesses) have to state information about what it is they are searching for, or what they have to offer. b2b matchmaking is based on that information. The system can identify which needs are met by which offers, and then connect those people.
The more precise the collected information, the better the outcome of the business matchmaking.

The Role of the b2b Matchmaker

To harvest the benefits of business matchmaking, it is essential to do it the right way. You as an event organizer function as the b2b matchmaker. Inviting people with similar interests and needs to your event is essential. Creating the correct categorizing within the system is needed. Making sure the right people find each other is out of your hands. Unless you use the right b2b event management software. Please check out at EIMS B2B software in detail.
b2match, an event networking platform that specializes in b2b matchmaking, helps event organizers create an event experience where connectivity is maximized.
When is Business Matchmaking Used?
Business matchmaking is commonly used for events where networking either is the main item on the agenda, or just a side part of it. Common examples are:
Buyer/seller events
Innovation partnering events
Regional development events
Startup/investor events
Career fairs or job fairs
Chamber of Commerce (import/export business)
Additionally, bigger occasions like business conferences, congresses, exhibitions, fairs, etc., use the benefits of business matchmaking as a more structured and efficient form of networking.
See what kind of events use the b2match all in one event management software.

How Does b2b Matchmaking Work?
Business matchmaking is best done with the support of a software tool. One that highly automates the process and easily integrates business matchmaking into the workflow of an event.
If you break down how the event matchmaking process works, you end up with four steps:

Registration and profile set up
b2b matchmaking starts when participants register online/offline by filling out the event registration form.
Customized questions defined by the organizer and adapted to the topic of the event guide participants through the set-up of their individual profile.
Therefore, a marketplace entry is created. It is a digital catalogue for participants to upload files, images and videos describing in detail what their business matchmaking needs are. These are the details that event participants want to know to be able to find their best business match. More information can be found in our EIMS B2B matching procedures!
The participant profile and the marketplace entry are the cornerstone of business matchmaking.

Browse and matching profiles
Before the event even begins, participants can go to work.
They can identify interesting and promising contacts with whom they want to meet. The tool's smart search function allows participants a quick and easy identification of suitable (matching) profiles.
Basically, finding the b2b matchmaking needle in the haystack made easy.
EIMS having our own B2B match making and also having our key-B2B staffs to manage this step. Do have a look in detail with our B2B work flow in detail.

Prearrange and communicate
Before the event begins, participants can prearrange meetings with each other. This saves valuable time during the event.
The system automatically assigns each meeting to a numbered table or informs the participants if it is a virtual meeting.
Individual configurations allow you to customize each single step of this third phase for the exact needs of your event. Configurations allow you to customize:
- Who can send and receive meeting requests with each other
- How meeting requests are approved/declined (or by whom)

During the actual event, participants can enjoy their prearranged meetings. Ideally, this first meeting is the starting point for a collaboration.
Do check out our Onsite B2B process in detail for your reference.
If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.